This week started slow and pretty relaxing for me. My health has improved tremendously since last week. I can't believe that it has been a week since I had the operation. If you didn't know about my health issue, you can read it here. Well, ...
I wish I could go back to last week when I'm out baking in the sun. Sea + Sun = FUN! Don't you think so?
This weekend I'm just moping around doing nothing actually. Well, maybe I'm starting with editing these pictures from last week to ...
For those who's been dropping message of concern, I would like to say "Thank you". I really appreciate it that you take your time to read my blog post.
Tomorrow, April 7th, is World Health Day. I would like to take this opportunity to share with ...
Why all black today? Well, I received some pretty negative news about my health today thus I am a little disturbed with the news. I guess that news impacted my mood a little. I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow as tomorrow is a brand new ...
I'm keeping today's outfit simple hence I chose this outfit from Mood & Closet. I love the jewels print. How do you like my choice of prints?
It has been a while since I've done a giveaway. This time, I would like to spread my love ...
I've been trying to take pictures of this outfit for 3 times already but every time when I wore this outfit, it rains. I'm sure this outfit is jinxed! This is my 4th try and finally I succeeded in taking some pictures of this outfit.. ...
When Sismade commented on one of my outfit a while ago, I discovered that they make beautiful accessories! Every details are carefully taken care off and handmade by 2 sisters that started Sismade. This brand is originated from Greece, the land with lots of beautiful ...
If you've been blogging for a while, I'm sure you've made some blog-friends along the way. I definitely have some pretty dear blog-buddies which I admire and enjoy reading their blogs. One of them is KT from KTRstyle.
I love her old-Hollywood style. Her fashion sense ...
From time to time, my best friend Tasha who's really good in designing and making clothes would come up with something that surprises me. This is 1 of the dress that she'd made for me. I think it's a very simple dress yet it's so ...
Lately I've been seeing a lot of Black & White on the runway. I just saw some pictures of Salvatore Ferragamo's show at Milan Fashion Week and Alexander Wang at NYFW. They've both inspired me to pick my black and white outfit from my closet ...