Today I decided to try out a this vintage dress and accessorize it with a pink leopard print bag. I don't fancy vintage items as much but hey, there's always a first time to everything don't you think? I'm quite please with the look in ...
Lately I've been very interested in items with fur and animal prints. Must be one of those seasonal thing again..I'm thinking of getting a jacket with some fur on it and I'm still looking for a nice one.
We stocked up our store with pretty posessions recently ...
Last Thursday we invited a few friends over to celebrate Thanksgiving and had lots of food for dinner. He made turkey and mashed potatoes. This is my 1st Thanksgiving with Mr W and I believe there'll be more to come =) I wore this pretty lace ...
Today was emotional for me. We had a last clean-out at the old apartment and gave the house keys back to the owner. Finally the moving is over (thank god) cos we've been taking our own sweet time to move and we took almost 3 weeks! Luckily ...
Ever felt like you had achieved something in life which makes you proud of it? I have! Sometimes opportunity don't come knocking twice. Not that I'm high risk-taker but I like fashion alot and I've decided to take a chance. So, Tasha and I decided to ...
It's always hard to say goodbye. I guess holiday's over..for now. There's alot more tasks waiting for me to do when I get home. Seriously not looking forward for the work but hey..I'm actually kind of excited over my new chapter. Will keep the stories ...
On the 3rd day in Taiwan, we went to Jiufen (9 parts). This is a small town about 20mins train ride from Taipei city. Until the 1950s, Jiufen was a gold mining town. We had lunch at the tea-house and had a good view of ...
Today is indeed a happy day. 2 things made me smile when I sit and reminize about it now. First, Mr. W and me got the keys to our new home! We finally found a place to move in by next month. Can't contain my ...
I'm feeling Nautical on Sunday so I decided to wear my Nautical Dress for a date with my parents and Mr W. I had my new bracelet on which is really cool looking. I have the same with multicolors too! Will take picture of it ...
Ever felt like you want to strangle your computer because it slowed down SO badly?? Maybe I should consider getting a new one because mine is already 4 years old! Apparently computers slowed down after 2 years.. Little did I know that computers also have ...