Some things never go out of style. Just like this gingham top. I had this top for like....let's see...maybe 6 years? Let's just say it has been a long time since I had this shirt and I'm glad it's still in-trend. I do take good ...
Some time ago, I entered a contest organised by Female Magazine and the well known American denim company, GUESS. I didn't think I would go this far and here I am, in the final four. This is pretty major for me and it's a great ...
I bought this dress and heels a long time ago and guess I kept it really well as it looks like it's still brand new. I bought it at a discount too and looking at them now, it makes me feel like it's all worth ...
I'm sure many of you are experiencing Summer weather now. Summer weather is nothing new to me as I experience it all year long. Sometimes I do wish for some cooler weather. My wish is definitely coming true. If you've been following me on Instagram ...
Today I'm wearing a mixture of new and old. I bought this pair of studded boots quite a while ago and I got a great deal from Zara. It's half the price! So I grabbed it without hesitation.
I bought this dress from a random Korean ...
Have you seen my previous post? If you have not, well it is about the color red which was related to anger. On the anger part, I'm pretty much calm and collected by now. As for the red part, I am still not over and ...
When asked me to pick an item from their site and have it featured, I was thrilled. No..wait..I was ecstatic!! If possible I would like 1 of each from all their categories! Unfortunately, I can only pick 1. I'm down to this, this and this. ...
I'm so happy to show you one of our very first masterpiece. After a few ideas shared and with my best friend talent, she made this gorgeous dress! It's such a simple dress yet so refreshing. I love the colors combined. Reminded me of lemonade.
What ...
Do you have this problem of not knowing what to wear to work? Yes, so I had this problem this morning. As I was flipping through InStyle Magazine (April 2012), I came across this color combination which turns out to be just great for me!
What would you ...
Last Saturday was St. Patrick's Day and Mr W and me organized a night-out with some friends. We had a blast at Zeta Bar, a club at Hilton Hotel.
I understand that on St. Patrick's Day one is suppose to wear green. My top is actually ...