All Posts By Yen

5 Ways To Beat Jet lag


Recently, when I got back from California to Kuala Lumpur and it took me about 3 days to get over my jet lag. I'm talking about 16 hours difference between the 2 countries! Comparing to the past, I found that I got over it pretty ...

My Diamond, My Choice


In celebration of diamond month in April, DeGem shared the all-new Lazare Trish Collection with me. Trish Collection derived from the word 'trigon' and 'cherish'. In this collection, each diamond is held dearly on four sides with trigons, that creates the illusion of the diamonds 'floating' ...

Decorté’s Luxurious Skincare


I've been quietly using 2 of Decorté's' luxurious skincare products for a while. I think they're 2 powerful pairings and they worked well on my skin. Well, Decorté is not totally new to Diva In Me. Previously, I've tried Moisture Liposome and Liposome Treatment Liquid for ...

Hotel Stripes Kuala Lumpur


I knew about Hotel Stripes Kuala Lumpur when they first opened 2 years ago, but had never paid much attention to it, untill recently, when I was scouting for a place to do a video shoot. Soon after the video shoot, I was real curious about this ...