All Posts By Yen

Jo Malone London – Star Magnolia


To be honest, almost everything smells good coming from Jo Malone London. This month, Jo Malone London will bring you yet another limited edition cologne called Star Magnolia. This tantalising and flirtatious fragrance is bursting with Spring's charm. Star Magnolia is a small tree native to ...

Bobbi Brown Pavilion Store


Some time ago, Bobbi Brown Pavilion Store was temporarily closed. It was re-located, re-modeled and now re-open! Looking more chic than ever, the store is an expression of Bobbi’s unique philosophy and aesthetic. The perfect way for consumers to discover Bobbi’s range of color cosmetics, brushes, fragrance, ...

Diorsnow Skincare Review


*Picture by Dior Stereotypically, Asian women have porcelain and beautiful skin. In my opinion, it's mostly true, but those Asians are from the northern region. They're probably from Japan, Korea and China. Those of us from the tropical countries aren't always born with good skin. ...