2022 in a nutshell. Just like the picture above, and every other year, I lived through all the temporary things that came and gone. Writing this post makes me ponder through life in 2022.
What is done is done. What is gone is gone. It’s OK to look back and think of fond memories but never stop moving forward.
Life Lesson

Going into a new year and don’t know what’s going to happen can be scary. But then, when you look back, you did lived those years didn’t you? And you are still here! Got to give yourself a pat on your shoulder that you are resilient enough to face this unknown world.

This year I made a promise to myself that I will focus on my own well being and make time for myself and I DID it! I made myself a priority since at the end of the day, I am my own best investment.

As I age, I realize that my health should be my priority because I need to use my body till however old I may get. I start to have some stiff muscles and joints when I get up in the morning and that’s no good. Thank goodness through the 2 years of multiple lockdown, I’ve made it a habit to do yoga and stretching. I will continue to do this and make it a daily routine.

Of course one can dream. In my head there were so many dreams but I start to write down some of the dreams and started to plan for these dreams and now trying to make it happen. This year my academic achievements was to get myself certified as an Image Consultant at AICI and being a HRDF official trainer and I DID IT!
I also wanted to learn something new this year and I manage to learn French from Alliance Francaise. OUI!! Je peux parler et écrire en français… juste en peu.

Learning to let go is not a bad thing at all. I have always had the issue of hoarding things. I still do actually but I’m learning to let things go. It took me a long time to understand that letting go of these things does not stop me from remembering the good times. All those good times will forever be in my memory. There will always be things that will remind me of it. The universe will remind me of all those good times.

I started a gratitude journal this year. Every week, I write 3 things I am grateful for. Now, when I flip through the pages, I was indeed grateful for many things this year. It could be as small as a friend buying me coffee to as major as working with Chanel for their Sublimage range.

Looking back, I am happy with the amount of people in my life that I can truly call friends. In the last 2 years, I lost a few people that is dear to me and it had made me appreciate those that I have even more. It made me realize that I should put in more effort to care for people that I want to stay in touch with.
As I age, I do realize that my group of friends are getting smaller and that’s totally OK with me. Well, people come and go but those that stayed, those are for keeps. I know that there are a few that I can grow old and grey with and annoy the shit out of them. *big grin*

We now have 8 billion people in this world. We don’t need more…really. I don’t have my own children because it’s a conscious choice I made but that doesn’t mean I don’t love children. Yes I am a bias aunt but a cool one for sure. Heh! I like children that are raised right and disciplined. We don’t need another spoilt brat in this world. There are already plenty as you can see from social media.

Till today, I still think algorithm is a true mystery. Some things are just unexplainable but it’s OK. As long as you do you, and it gives you contentment and happiness, that is good enough. Don’t need to stress yourself over these algorithm thingy majiggy. You can’t please everyone so just be yourself.

YUP! In June I actually caught the COVID19. I will not tell anyone who hasn’t caught it that it is “just another flu’ because NOPE it is not. Took me 10 days to see a negative sign and a whole month to get my smell and taste back again. Well, I can say now that I survived Covid and I just hope everyday that I will not have long Covid in the future.
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.
Brad Paisley
Thank you 2022. You have been quite a journey. Again, going into the unknown can be a little scary but I survived a pandemic! Whatever comes, I think I should be able to deal with it.