Lunar New Year 2022 falls on the 1st and 2nd day of February this year. It’s kind of back to normal, like everyone else would like to assume so, even though we know it’s never going to be the same after Covid19 came around. Everyone is gathering and be merry! Whether it’s safe or not, that’s up to your own interpretation.
Good things come in 3 – Good health, much happiness and abundance of wealth!

Unlike Lunar New Year 2021, I’m grateful for the opportunity to head back to my hometown and have reunion dinner with the folks. I’m counting my blessings to be able to usher in the new year with my immediate family except for my sister. She and her family aren’t able to make it back again this year due to the long distance travel. We still believe that it isn’t too safe to travel, especially when children are involved.

It’s a no brainer the I picked Khoon Hooi’s Lunar New Year Collection to wear again this year. He designs and makes beautiful outfits and they fit me very well! It’s been a few years (2019 and 2017) I’ve bought his custom-made Qi Pao collection and had been wearing them on occasions throughout the year.
Speaking of good, I want the theme this year to be “good things come in 3” as in:
- Good health – Always prioritise and never neglect health! Only when you have good health that you can enjoy your wealth. Again, Covid19 isn’t going away anytime soon, so make sure to get yourself vaccinated and stay safe when you’re out.
- Much happiness – I learned that no one can make you happy except for yourself. So if buying that Dior bag makes you happy and you can afford it, go ahead. This year my goal is to learn to be happy and grateful for the little things in life, like being able to celebrate Lunar New Year 2022 with my family.
- Abundance of wealth – This to me linked both of the above. When you have good health, you’re strong and able to work towards what you want and success. Also, when opportunities present themselves, you’re in good health to be able to seize them and when you’re happy with what you’re doing, you’ll be showered with abundance of wealth.
So yes, they are all linked together, somehow.

Be strong, calm, fearless and graceful, just like the tiger!
If you’re celebrating the Lunar New Year, I wish you a Happy New Year! For those who are not celebrating, I also would like to wish you a blessed year and continue to be vigilant especially in challenging times like now.
I wish the year of the roaring tiger be full of vitality, bravery and generosity to you and family. May all the good things comes in 3 fold to you.