Just like that…2021 is done. This year felt like it was slow and fast at the same time. Just like every other year, I sit down and ponder how the year had gone by.
Looking back so that the view looking forward is even clearer.
Right after December 2020 where we were all celebrating the freedom after many months of lockdown, we headed straight into the year with another lockdown; the lockdown 2.0. There goes January and February, with no Lunar New Year celebration with the family. And here I thought Covid will only be around in The Year of 2020. I thought wrong!
Well, doesn’t mean we should stop celebrating. I’m Chinese, so the Lunar New Year still proceeded with wearing my new outfit at home and video calls to wish all my family and friends. I’m happy.
Not till March when things start to move pretty fast for me. Advent Image Management started to get more jobs to do image coaching online. Online classes and activities worked so well for me. I had no issues in adapting to this new normal. It is safer, as you don’t have human contact and I can conduct classes anytime, anywhere and internationally.

There are actually many things that I am very proud of this year but if I were to name only 3, here are the top 3.
- Graduating as a Certified Image Consultant – Finally it is done! It was meant to be only a 3 month course but due to the lockdown after lockdown, it had dragged on for almost a year before I’m able to finally finish the course.
- Live more sustainably – I wouldn’t say I am there yet but I am living more sustainably today than the year before. I learned to reduce, re-use and recycle. I’ve also learned to buy more animal testing free products by learning about these products through Cruelty Free Kitty.
- Conquered my fear of public speaking – I’ve always been avoiding public speaking and feared it. I have stage fright and I dislike it since school days. Finally, I decided to take baby steps by engaging myself in a public speaking session for the image conference in October.

Since there aren’t much that happened this year, just these 3 made the year a bittersweet one.
- Lost a friend – Yea, my other half lost a dear friend due to complication caused by Covid19. He does have underlying health issues and when he was struck with Covid19, he tried to weather it through but after 6 weeks, he lost the battle. His organs slowly started to disfunction and soon after he was laid to rest.
- Rain & flood – My parents’ home, the home I grew up in, was hit with the worst flood ever. It rained for 48 hours and the water came into the house as high as knee-length. I’m just glad that they were not harmed and nothing that was lost that money can’t buy.
- Fully vaccinated – I can tell you that our fight with Covid19 is not over. We are barely just scratching the surface and due to many reasons (mainly human being and their illogical mindset), the virus will continue to mutate. Due to the mutation, the medical researchers need to come up with more booster shots or a solution to this virus. By the time we celebrate 2030, I don’t know how many booster shots we will have by then. Having said that, I would rather be vaccinated than not after we lost a friend.

Well, after all the shenanigans I experienced in 2021, I learned a few things along the way. I learned to:
- Smile more! Life is short. Spend time with your loved ones and laugh with them. Those fine and laughing lines are worth it. It’s a privilege to grow old.
- Write a gratitude list. It’s those small things that matters. After the passing of our family friend, I write one thing I’m grateful for everyday. It had become a habit now. When I flip through those pages after 3 months, there were so many things I was grateful for.
- Part ways with my money for good cause. I learn to donate more and bless others with what I’ve been blessed with. I’m learning to Pay it Forward when I can.
And just like that, we have walked our journey for 2021. After everything, I decided to reward myself with a 2021 Cruise Collection Lady Dior. The last I did an unboxing for a Lady Dior was 7 years ago! I still have that very original Lady Dior.
Maybe this is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.
I truly appreciate everyone that put in effort to remain connected with me and everything I have. As I age, I learn to not take things for granted. Have a blessed 2022.