After weeks of our 2nd national lockdown, it was nice to be able to go out and attend my very 1st fashion event. I had the privilege to take a look at Uniqlo Spring Summer 2021 Lifewear collection.
This season’s LifeWear stays true to its philosophy of delivering comfort with practicality in styles and themes that adapt to the new and changing normal, and empower people to bounce back, overcome changes and move forward positively. The themes consist of Transitional Wear, Fresh Air & Fit as well as Home.
Working from home is no different than going to the office. Get up on time, hop on your work desk at the time, and close the door and work till the official hours end.

Now more than ever, people need everyday items that fit their lifestyles. In fashion, effortless style is now mainstream because the boundaries between home and places of work or study have been blurred, making comfort even more important. Fabrics and textures for more active lifestyles and easy-care cleaning are imperative when choosing clothes.

For instance, you want to wear something that is presentable enough for a Zoom meeting or FaceTime, yet comfortable enough for you to sit the entire day at your home office. My picks are these items from Ines De La Fressange and Uniqlo U. Ines’ blazers are comfortable enough to wear at home and still presentable over an online meeting.

After staying indoor weeks after weeks due to the pandemic lockdown, we would love to taste some fresh air outside. Even just to go out for a brisk walk or cycle around the neighborhood, it’s a joy. Uniqlo Spring Summer 2021 Lifewear offer simple, easy-wear designs that will keep you comfortable and feeling great while exercising and enjoying everyday life.

transitioning from quarters for resting and living into an office now for some. After the lockdowns, we learned that at home, we can do so much more such as workouts, cooking, and other interests and communicating through games and social media are just some of many ways to spend time usefully at home. So, not only you should stay comfortable but your home needs to provide you the comfort too.
There is nothing like staying home for real comfort.
Jane Austen

I am impressed with the recycling effort that Uniqlo invested. Apparels which Uniqlo collected will be sorted through. The good condition and wearable ones will be sent to the refugees and underprivileged communities throughout Malaysia. On the other hand, those unwearable items are recycled into alternative fuel to reduce CO2 emission.
Currently in Malaysia, there are 2 outlets where you can recycle your clothes. One in DA Square and another at Sunway Pyramid outlet.

How has your 2021 been this far? Which of Uniqlo Spring Summer 2021 collection speaks most to you?