I believe this Covid19 quarantine isn’t just happening here in Malaysia, but it’s happening in many countries too. Each affected countries are taking their own precaution to quarantine the citizens as safety measures.
This is the 4th week Malaysians have been asked to stay safe at home. We are asked to be home till 28th April 2020. That’s more than a month of staying at home! I’m sure by now, many of us are getting the groove of starting new habits and keeping ourselves occupied at home. Since we can’t go anywhere. Unless if you’re working in the frontline.
Let me share some of the things I’ve been doing on repeat since the quarantine started but some are pretty random too. I hope these 10 things to do during the Covid19 quarantine post sparks some new ideas to add into your list of things to do during this time.

I’m a really slow reader. So I pick and choose what I want to read through recommendations and I indulge in them slowly. Before this COVID19 quarantine, I’ve read Where The Crowdads Sing (on Amazon). I got so hooked to it, I read it in a week!
Currently, I’m reading The Traveling Cat Chronicles (on Amazon). I started this book at the beginning of the quarantine and now, I’m only halfway through. I’m a slow reader remember? I do like the flow of this book so far. I’m still guessing why Satoru so badly need to give Nana a good home and can’t keep the cat himself?

I really dislike ironing so I find myself buying a lot more clothes with fabric that requires no ironing such as satin and silk. There are some cotton tops and dresses that are so comfortable but requires ironing. So now is the best time to fold those tees and iron those items that needed ironing.
Along the way when I hang my apparels back after ironing, I also find many items that I haven’t been wearing or using for the past few years. It’s time to declutter! I’m removing those items that doesn’t spark joy to me anymore.
Like this 3.1 Phillip Lim bag, color-block dress and this Miu Miu bag, I’m not sure when was the last time they saw daylight. I’ll collect all these items and will decide which ones I’m going to sell or give them away.

Speaking of giving away those items above, I also did some monetary donation during this time. I usually do not want to share about donation because I find it personal and one should give willingly and doesn’t need to boast about it. I’m sharing it this time because I want you to also do your research and chose wisely towards who you want to contribute. Make sure these organization are using it righteously.
Here are some of the organizations that I donated to:
- MODA – for making the PPE gowns to our local hospitals.
- Cziplee – for making face-shields for our frontliners
- Beauty Chambre – contributing and working with Lost Food Project to help feed those in need. (donate here)
- My Pets Haven – Aunty Aileen worked hard everyday to feed strays and do the best she can to help as many stray animals. (click here if you wish to donate)
- LASS (Lost Animals Soul Shelter) – Vignes started this no-kill shelter many years ago and had been trying her best to keep it afloat.

I actually miss my folks and at this time, I can only wish they are keeping themselves well and healthy. They were never quite savvy with the phones but only able to make calls, text and take some pictures. Now, my sister and I, FaceTime them on weekends and they took it like duck to water! LOL! Got to thank the technology these days.
I’ve also been having some group chats over Zoom and FaceTime with my close friends. It was really entertaining! Some had alcohol drinks, some dressed up for the win and some would rather use filters because they can’t face the world without makeup.

Have a hobby or have a few hobbies. I wanted to say blogging but technically this became a job to me. But I do enjoy my job. So I’m happy to blog about this post. I recorded quite a few videos to edit and will be posting it on Instagram soon.
I also started journaling last year and still trying to master it. Recently when I went to Japan in February, I almost went broke buying all those stationaries. Can’t resist but to love those stickers and stamps.

My friend introduced this game called Stardew Valley and my life was over! Half of my day was totally occupied by this game and trying to achieve every levels. I started to get more serious with this game right after my Japan trip and I got so hooked to it! Almost 2 months later, I’m still as hooked. #FML!
If you’re being quarantined with more than 2 people, board games are entertaining too. I must warn you that, organizing a board game night with your family can bring out the best or worst in them. LOL!

Last Friday I did my first Styling E-workshop for Advent Image Management over at Makeup Miracle. Kenny from Makeup Miracle wanted Advent Image to share about styling with some of his students and that’s what Advent Image was built for – to bring out the best in you.
If you would like to get some styling advise, do sign up for a free 30 minutes consultation over at Advent Image Management. Limited time only.

During this COVID19 quarantine, I’ve been dressing up occasionally. I actually feel good about it. I also dressed up for my very first Styling E-Workshop last Friday with Makeup Miracle. Even when nobody could actually see my entire outfit, I do take pride in what I wear.
I felt a sense of accomplishment when I did my makeup and wore what I wanted to wear. You can’t control the situation but you have full control over what you wear and how you want to look.

Usually my exercise consist of walking the dog. During this quarantine period, I can’t exercise outdoor or walk Coffee. I’ve to make do with whatever I have at home. That is, using my yoga mat for stretching with Peloton. My other half subscribed through the app and we exercise and motivate each other.
As for Coffee, we run him in the house for about 10 rounds in the morning and evening. We play catch and tug-of-war almost everyday. He need the exercise too.

At this trying time, I believe many industries are affected by this quarantine. I’ve heard that some restaurants who used to have 100 orders a day had now gone down to only 20 orders a day.
We tried to help as much as we can by ordering takeaways and support our neighborhood restaurants. I just started using this app called Beepit so now, I don’t have to go out and pack food anymore. Less exposure and risk to be infected with COVID19.

Till when will this quarantine extension be? I’m not sure myself but one thing I’m sure is that when the curve flattens and start going down to near zero case, OR when the vaccine is released, only will it be truly safe for the world to be connected once again.
It might seem like this social distancing is making the world very separated now. It might feel like you’re in this journey alone. Know that you’re not. We are definitely very much in this together. We are all trying to fight this pandemic together and finding a new normal.
One thing I do learn from this is that I can plan all I want but in the end, you’ll never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. So, when you can, hold your love ones a little tighter, love them more and seize the day. For tomorrow is not a promise. I hope you are healthy and staying safe at home.