This is it… As the decade come to a close, we reflect back on our journey, be it good or bad. Looking back, I did have a fabulous decade! It is one of my most challenging, interesting and adventurous.
Let me share the flashback with you. So, here are 10 things to look back this decade.
I met Bella Hadid & Peter Philips of Dior Beauty.

I started my blog in 2011 when I saw it was trending and decided to jump onto the bandwagon. It was the best decision ever! And here I am writing this very post, almost 9 years later.
I am proud of how far I have come. From the very first day, I wanted to share my fashion, beauty and travel tips and to stay genuine. Today, I am still sticking to that principle, no matter what.
Where will I take my blog to from here on? You will have to stick around to see what the changes will be; it will only be for the better.
My blog has definitely took me places and saw many faces. I’m still pinching myself when I look back at the brands that I’ve worked with.
I’ve worked with brands such as YSL Beauty, Dior Beauty, Manolo Blahnik, Burberry, Nike, Gucci Beauty, Jo Malone London, Yu Academie Salon and many more.
Of course I would never forget the few faces I’ve seen through my blogging journey. I’ve had the opportunity to get up close and personal with Bella Hadid & Peter Philips in Seoul with Dior Beauty. Not forgetting Claudia Kim when she came to Malaysia for Bobbi Brown.

Since I was in high school Geography has always been my favorite subject. I love traveling because it opens up one’s eyes and mind to see the world.
Never had I dreamt that someday, I could travel the world! Up to date, I’ve travelled to 38 countries in this world. I’m very blessed to have seen so much and yet, there is so much more I’ve yet to see. Let’s leave that to the next decade. Probably in my next 10 things to look back next decade, I’ll probably add another 10 countries. LOL!

I never had good skin since adolescence years. Now, my skin is perfect and where I want it to be. My pores are almost invisible, acne on the chin and cheeks are under control and my T-zone is less oily.
I’m very fortunate to have met Me Aesthetic Clinic who took really good care of my skin. I usually get my laser treatments and recently, HIFU treatments there as well.

Not forgetting another great contributor to my skin every month is Beauty Chambre. I do go for facial religiously once a month at Beauty Chambre. If you don’t believe in facial, think again. There’s only good that comes out of hard work and dedication.
Sure, my life isn’t perfect but my hair is. Thru the decade, ever since I met Toni & Guy Bangsar, my hair have seen wonders! I became a unicorn with unicorn hair! Just browse through the pictures and you will see that my hair had seen very colorful days.
If you were to ask me which is my favorite color? I’m sorry, I can’t pin point one because I love them ALL!

Only this year, I started a resolution to be more environmental friendly. I kind of regretted I didn’t start this sooner. From this resolution, I’ve learned to be less of a hoarder.
I cleared out my wardrobe and sell some of those items that are still usable. Some of those that are not in a good condition anymore, I recycled them. I also realized that I buy only what I really wanted and would use them again and again. Everyday, I’m learning the concept of less is more. I hope you could also join in this journey with me.

That goes the same to friends. When I was younger, I tried so hard to find my click and belong. Now, my really close friends are only a handful and I’m comfortable with that. I started to realize that you don’t need to try so hard to belong and have many friends. Just the few that you can count on over great and not-so-great times is more than what I can ask for.

4 years ago, I had Coffee and it was one of those decision you look back with no regrets. In my lifetime, I had a few dogs but it was never for a right reason. My reason has always been the same, and it’s because they’re cute.
When I told my husband 4 years ago I wanted a dog and his first question was “are you ready to be a responsible mom?” It took me about a month to think things through and I got back to him and my reply was, “YES I AM!”

Here we are, 4 years later and counting. Best decision ever!! Picking up poop for the rest of his life is one of the thing I’m ready for =/ (am I really ready?)

Once I shared this, I’m sure you can kind of guess which era I grew up with. Back when I was in high school, New Kids on The Block had their world tour and came to Asia. I was hoping they could stop by Malaysia but NO, they went to Singapore instead!
Though the flight was only 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur, my parents said no to travel. One of the most devastating thing to hear when you’re a teenager.

Last year, when I heard that they’re doing a USA tour, I can’t be more excited! I grabbed the opportunity to quickly buy the tickets and had my sister accompany me to their concert.
I finally get to go to a NKOTB concert, which I’ve dreamt off since I’m a teenager and I had a blast! This one is a must-have in my 10 things to look back this decade. Bucket list checked!

Many thought that it is a great thing to be a boss. One will never know the challenges until you are one. There will be staff issues, financial securities to think about, sales target and customers’ ridiculous expectations to meet and so many more curve balls that come your way.
Despite all these challenges, there are many rewarding moments as well. When you see your company grow and started earning money and self sustainable, it can be extremely satisfying. The price to pay is worth every tear, blood and sweat. It taught me to be independent, be courageous and most of all, perseverance.
Be contented but never complacent.

So what is in store for me this coming new decade? I started Advent Image Management (AIM). My motto has always been “Be contented but never complacent” so I try to challenge myself and aim higher!
I’ve always love fashion, beauty and traveling. With Diva in Me, I’ve learned a lot about these trades and I hope that I could do more, by educating others about the importance of image. When I look around, I start to see that there are many who needed that little extra push that could bring out the best in them.
With my magic wand, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, put them all together and you will be the best you walking down the street.

2010 to 2019 had definitely been a freaking fabulous and fulfilling journey for me. I’m excited to see what I can learn in the next decade and what’s in store for me.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you, for those you who had stuck around with Diva in Me till now. Without your support, I wouldn’t be here looking back at so many great memories and writing this very blog post – 10 things to look back this decade. Again, thank you and I wish you will have a fulfilling year of 2020!