In celebration of diamond month in April, DeGem shared the all-new Lazare Trish Collection with me. Trish Collection derived from the word ‘trigon‘ and ‘cherish‘. In this collection, each diamond is held dearly on four sides with trigons, that creates the illusion of the diamonds ‘floating’ and promotes better light reflection for the stone.
I was very fortunate to be given a chance by DeGem to share the story of my very first Lazare Diamonds® and how I envisioned The World’s Most Beautiful Diamonds®.
Each tip of the trigon that holds The Lazare Diamond® represents the uniqueness and strength of a woman of Lazare, synonymous with the characteristics of a Lazare diamond: brilliant, strong and sophisticated.

Like they say, “diamonds are forever”, so I asked myself, what inspired me to buy a diamond jewelry? In the end, I wanted it to be a symbol of success and independence, versatile, elegance and ultimately, my choice.

Growing up, I remembered my parents worked very hard for the family. After years of blood, sweat and tears, they managed to support my sister and I in completing our tertiary education. I still remembered vividly that my Dad told me on my graduation day – “I’m a successful man. I’ve done my best to get you to where you need to be and you did your best to graduate. Now, go seek your own future.”
Ever since, I’ve lived with the mantra “success is determined by setting goals and achieving it, no matter how small or big”. When I first started working, I told myself, once I saved up RM10,000, I’ll reward myself with a diamond jewelry.

It took me a couples of years to save up my Diamond fund, while at the same time I manage to put up some time on studying and research on my ideal Diamond jewelry. I’m glad The Lazare Trigon Bangles came at the right timing.

Versatility is one of the key factors for me in selecting my diamond jewelry, to ensure that it matches well with my outfits for different occasions. There is no better way than salsa all night long with my brilliant moves along with the Lazare Diamonds.
I discovered Salsa dancing at Havana Estudio. It started from curiosity. I thought it’ll be good to get my body moving and treat it as an exercise, less boring compared to the gym. Next thing I know, I’ve gotten myself through to Intermediate, which is the highest extend one could go for classes.
In fact, only a handful of people that know I danced Salsa. I love that versatility of Salsa dancing. In a small spot on the dance floor, I can show-off my moves with style, together with my diamond jewelry and shine the night away! As you can see, that The Lazare Trigon Necklace and my bracelets were shining bright under the studio’s spotlight.
Oh, another thing about Salsa is that, if a girl asks a guy to dance, it is almost impossible for him to reject a simple request as such. Try it for yourself!

For many years, I battled with aging. With all these beauty and fashion brands focusing on the younger market, it didn’t make it easier for me, until one day, I thought to myself “who am I competing with and why is it so hard to age gracefully?” That’s when I accepted that age is just a number.
Looking back, when I hit the big 3-0, life actually started to make a whole lot of sense to me. I called it “life starts at thirty”. I pursued my dreams, learned to stay composed and be sophisticated through challenges and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. No one can take the wisdom I’ve gained through years of life experiences away from me.
The choices I’ve made in life taught me to not look back with regrets, but to grow old gracefully. That grace and elegance will stay with me forever, just like my Lazare diamonds.

Success is determined by setting goals and achieving it, no matter how small or big.
Here’s a short video of how I summarize this entire true story of My Life, Diamonds, My Choice. Enjoy the video.
How about you? What’s your diamond story?
LAZARE® Trish Collection is available at:
DeGem Boutiques – Bangsar, Ampang, 1 Utama, Pavilion & The Gardens.
Website: http://www.degemdiamond.com/
Social Media: Facebook // Instagram
Look 1 – Workwear : Khoon Hooi Jacket
Look 2 – Dance outfit: Justin Yap Dress
Look 3 – Ballgown: Khoon Hooi Demi Couture Dress
Photographer & Videographer: Justin Teoh
Hair & Makeup Artist: Jess from Makeup Miracle
*Video and pictures taken in collaboration with DeGem. Diva In Me own full copyright of visuals and video.