I think I should make this a tradition every year. I’ve started this in 2017 and this year I was thinking of doing the same thing this year.
Year after year, I see myself grow together with Diva In Me. We’re into our 8th year of blogging in 2019 and I’m happy we are still around. There’s nothing wrong to look back and be filled with gratitude while learning from your past mistakes.
What did they say, “those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”. So, here are the 12 things I’m thankful for in 2018.

This year, there were growth but I find them a little on the slower side. It gave me a good break from being busy and reflect on what I can do to continuously grow Diva In Me. Maybe there will be a new Diva In Me? New project? Who knows…but one thing for sure, what we do, we will always have this question in mind “What I’m doing, will it benefit the society?”

With the question “What I’m doing, will it benefit the society?” in mind, I had worked with some great brands, which I truly think their products and services are great.
On fashion this year, we had the privilege to be invited to some prestigious events which we haven’t attend before such as Gucci, Hermès, Miu Miu and Fendi. Some brands such as Dior and Burberry have been a staple on Diva In Me. That’s because they’re too pretty to pass and I personally love the brand’s quality.

On beauty, this year I discovered some new things and it worked out great for me and I highly recommend you. I tried Fractional Co2 Laser Treatment at Me Aesthetic Clinic and my skin improved!
My hair went from Turqoise to Pink! The transformation was done by Toni & Guy Bangsar. I had a great time seeing my hair being Pink but it was high maintenance for sure.

There was a new cosmetic brand that cropped up this year – Tom Ford. I love the quality of their makeup and how Tom Ford himself is a perfectionist. If you prefer a more subtle and natural makeup, look for Decorté.
Like last year, my go-to spa for facial and relaxation is still Beauty Chambre and La Mer Spa. I sleep like a baby for an hour at these places. If you want beautiful nails, do visit Yu Academie Salon. I swear by their gel manicure and pedicure as well as their eyelash treatment.


It was truly my lucky year! Jo Malone London threw me a Birthday party at their Pavilion store. Since this year, Jo Malone London’s theme for Christmas is All That Sparkles, we tried to dress up for the occasion too.

As I grow older, there are many incidents that made me realize it’s not the quantity that counts. Just like friends. As you walk the journey in life, people come and go, but those that stays are precious. Friendship and relationship works both ways. If you put in effort to maintain the relationship, it’ll definitely last.
I can warn you for sure that friends will get lesser as you grow older but that’s OK. Those that stays, are made of good quality. Those that left? No love lost.

This year, we had the privilege to work with a new fashion brand – Wanderlust & Co. This jewelry brand is not new in the market but definitely a newbie in Malaysia.
I took these Birthstone bracelets to Greece and surprise my bunch of friends with them! You should see their faces at my blog post – #girlgangtakesgreece. This trip is special because it took us 10 years to plan for it and finally, we made it happen!

I wouldn’t say I flew myself to Europe for 2 weeks and travelled solo, but I did it for only a few days. Still, I did it all by myself!
After my friends left home to Kuala Lumpur at the end of #girlgangtakesgreece, I went to Brugge and Paris on my own. It has always been on my bucket list and now it’s checked! I walked, eat, discover new things on my own and it was pleasant. It doesn’t matter how long it took me to do so, I still did it! I am very proud of myself.

Since I went to university in Australia, I’ve always wanted to go to middle-earth of Australia – Uluru/Ayers Rock. Back in the days, financial was an issue so I’ve always put it in my bucket list that someday, I’ll come back to it. So I did. I couldn’t put it in words besides, It was awesome!

After what felt like a long time, I went to Japan again. Actually, it was more than 20 years since I last saw stepped foot in Tokyo. So much had changed and the highlight this time was visiting Hiroshima.
It was a sad part of history but it’s something that we must learn and remind ourself not to repeat the same mistakes in life. What did I say previously? “Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”.

On a personal basis, this is one of the most fulfilling this year. It was in Japan that I got to know my sister was pregnant and I was so happy for her. I am currently an aunt and I couldn’t be more proud. Don’t worry, my nephew is going to get a whole lot of discipline growing up.

I believe that we shouldn’t stop learning, at any age. I’ve always thought that I’m lacking in skills to confidently do my eye makeup. This year, I found the right guru to learn from. He’s no other than Kenny from Makeup Miracle. I don’t think I’m an expert now but I sure conquered my challenges in eye makeup. More YouTube video coming maybe?

I am actually raising fund for the first time and I am super excited. I’ve been helping Lost Animal Souls Shelter for a few years now and every time, financial has always been their challenge.
Hence, this year, I am trying to reach out and ask everyone to help LASS. Donating a little or a lot, it doesn’t matter. It is still helping the furkids to fill their stomach and hopefully, find a forever home. Please GO TO THIS WEBSITE and help me achieve a donation of US$1000 by 31st January 2019.

“Those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”.

Last but not least, I am incredibly grateful for the continuous support you gave to Diva In Me. With you reading my posts, it kept me going and to know that my words carry weight. I hope that in 2019, my thoughts, ideas and opinions would continue to help you in any aspect of your life.

If you ask, did I have a good year of 2018? Nope. I had a fuckin fabulous year! Let’s usher in the new year together. Happy New Year to you and family.
Farewell and thank you 2018. Happy Year 2019 to you!