It took 2 girls to come up with a dream destination 10 years ago, 1 girl to plan it in a year and 5 girls to make the dream come true. Here we are, 10 years later, the girl gang takes Greece!

What took us so long to make this trip happen? Well, life happens along the way. When the 2 girls talked about Greece 10 years ago, they were both at the start of a stable career. When they shared the idea with the rest of us along the way, some of us got married, have kids, financially diverse and challenged. After a while, the thought of going to Greece has been pushed way back into the back burner.

Well, like I said, life happens. Individually, we were busy with our own daily lives. At some point, we told each other, if we are not going to make it happen soon, we will continue to have tons of reasons not to make our wish come true. And so, we made it happen!

We went to Mykonos, Santorini and Athens. Athens was more of a stopover, which we spent less than 24 hours in. If we would have more time, we would probably hit another island.
In fact, Mykonos and Santorini themselves gave us a lot of fun and laughter. We stayed at an Airbnb throughout our Greece trip. After that, the few of us went on our separate ways to do our EU country hopping.

What else? Girls just want to have fun and fun we had! I can tell you that at any age, we girls still do crazy and fun things together. We don’t always gossip, contrary to popular believe.
Are you expecting some dramas? Well, this is not Rich Kids of Beverly Hills reality show. We are common folks and girls, just being girls.

It actually feels good for me to not hear about statistics behind a blog and who has the most followers on social media. These bunch don’t care about my social media status, but treats me like a genuine friend. I’m just like every ordinary person to them.

What I took away from this trip was so much love and self realization. I’ve known these girls almost half my life. We each have our own strengths and personalities. We don’t always agree on everything, but through our differences, we are special in our own ways. I love each and every one of them differently and that makes them special.
Hence, I decided to get all of them a little souvenir from Wanderlust & Co. as a remembrance of our sisterhood for this trip. I surprised them with the Birthstone Bracelets.

The water was freezing cold yet we were trying get a perfect shot
Each month has it’s own individual stone. It’s interesting how the birthstones express their personalities so clearly.
April Birthstone is Crystal and they’re caring and affectionate towards their nearest and dearest. It suits Michelle so well and she’s definitely a very caring friend.
July Birthstone is Ruby and July babies are in touch with their inner beauty and always seeking for beauty around them. Guess what? Charise is very much involve in the beauty industry!
December Birthstone is Turquoise and those born in December are free-spirited, courages and loving. Yes to all of the characteristics as I see it in Bibi & Geraldine for sure. I might be bias too because I’m a December kid as well! Hah!
From the Instagram video, it sure looked like they were surprised and happy. Seeing the joy in their eyes, makes me happy too. I am blessed to have these bunch I call best friends.

Not all those who wander are lost – J.R.R. Tolkien for The Lord of The Rings

All good things must come to an end eventually. This #girlgangtakesgreece has been wonderful and by far our gang’s furthest girls trip. After a year of planning, we finally came to Greece and had a blast. Where to next? Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see. Hopefully it’s not going to take us another 10 years.

Where is your dream destination with your besties?
*Wanderlust & Co Birthstone series are now available at the 1 Utama store and online.
**Accessories sponsored by Wanderlust & Co. Pictures & videos are taken in collaboration with Wanderlust & Co. Reviews and opinion are my own.