Remember in the late 80s and early 90s when sneakers was a hit? I actually had a LA Gear sneakers. Does anyone remember LA Gear?
Well, the trend is back! Now, the call it the New Age Sneakers. In my opinion, these new age sneakers are chunkier, more stylish and definitely more refine than sneakers back in the days.

It was NOT a love at first sight for sure.

I remember seeing this new age sneakers appearing in Louis Vuitton and I thought “WOW! They’re so chunky!”. It was NOT a love at first sight for sure. Then, as seasons passed, more brands are starting to adopt this new age sneakers into their collections.

They’ve refined the edges and tone down the chunkiness. Now, I’m starting to accept this new age sneakers a whole lot more. Designs from a few brands caught my attention by far, such as Chloe, Isabel Marant, Acne, Gucci and Balenciaga.

I was very much into the Chloe’s Sonnie Leather Velcro Strap Sneakers in Sooty Khaki color. In fact, I actually ordered them from FORWARD by Elsie Walker. Unfortunately, the color that came was Maple Pink. I had it returned and didn’t reordered because it was all sold out then. It actually fits me well too.

After that, the search continue for a new age sneakers for me and I found myself liking Acne Studio’s Manhattan sneakers. What’s good is that it’s almost half the price of the Chloe’s! When it eventually came, I was very please to have made the right choice. I’m a size 39 and it fits snugly.
When you are unsure about a trend, you just have to be patient and wait.

This chunky new age sneakers sure took some time to get use to but it sure had made it’s way to my heart recently. Sometimes, when you are unsure about a trend, you just have to be patient and wait. If the trend sticks, it’ll get better as time goes by, and by then, it’ll probably find it’s way to your heart too.
Are you into this chunky silhouette styling with the new age sneakers?