This year, Chinese New Year came early. Usually we celebrate Chinese New Year in the month of February, but the dates changes every year in the lunar calendar. If you’re wondering what do we do during Chinese New Year? The most important part was to be with the family. Just like Thanksgiving or Christmas, we gather around and have our reunion dinner. Then, we make some noise in the house and shared much laughter. If you’re doing the same, you’re definitely on the right track for Chinese New Year!
I realized that as I grew older, Chinese New Year gets more and more peaceful. My parents came from a huge family. When we were young, we use to travel back to their hometown and paid respect to the elderlies. Now that they’ve passed, my parents seldom visit their hometown anymore. They take the chance to travel a lot more these days. Well, they’ve paid their dues so they should enjoy their senior years.

Outfit: Khoon Hooi // Bag – Chanel // Shoes – Gucci (similar here)
Since they abandoned us and travelled, we were pretty relaxed during the Chinese New Year. I wore this outfit from Khoon Hooi. He’s a famous Malaysian fashion designer. I wanted a more relaxed outfit and easy to move around.
My boyfriend asked, are you getting on your track for Chinese New Year?
What he meant was my track pants. Yes, and that’s what I did! We took our dog for a walk wearing my outfit because we need to burn off those calories we had consumed. During the walk, we actually saw some Caucasian ladies wearing Cheongsam (a traditional Chinese apparel) walking to visit their Chinese friends. I thought that was pretty cool to see other races taking this chance to celebrate the festive season too.
Do you celebrate Chinese New Year? If you did, what did you do and if you don’t, do you know anyone who did?