Yet another year has passed. It’s time to say goodbye to 2016 now. There were so many things had happened this year. As usual, there were many ups and downs, just like every year, but 2016 was a turning point for Diva In Me. It gave me a good memory to see how Diva In Me had grown from a baby to somewhat of a teenager. I did mention beginning of the year that there will be growth for Diva In Me this year (post here), and grow we did! While there are still so much possibilities for us to grasp, Diva In Me’s achievements this year, makes me feel contented.
Let’s do a quick round-up of what 2016 had brought to Diva In Me:
This was priority for Diva In Me this year. I had been thinking about it for a couple of years. It was a huge decision for me to change my blog from Blogger to WordPress platform. There were so many setbacks! I can’t give up halfway because I still need to continue blogging. Perseverance is key here and boy did I learn it the hard way. Look at it now! I am definitely proud of how far we had come and I’m still learning to use WordPress each and everyday. Did you still remember our old outlook? Check out the photo below =)
In comparison to 2015, I haven’t been attending as many events and writing as much this year. That is because, I would like to stay focus on brands and content that would benefit the readers. I share in hoping that you will benefit through the contents, be it good or bad. Brands that had been inviting, sponsoring and gave opportunities to collaborate with Diva In Me, I hereby thank you all for your support.
In terms of FASHION, I hope you learn some tips & tricks to experiment it on yourself. I want you to look good in your own way. On BEAUTY, I also hope to introduce products that could be beneficial to you. I can understand that not every brand I’ve introduced might be suitable for you. At least you know about the brand and it’s part of your research to finding the most suitable product for yourself. As for TRAVEL, I do want to be an inspiration for you to experience the world! Create your own adventure and learn along the way. Now that there are so many budget airlines that fly internationally, and also Airbnb that could possibly fit your budget, it only makes traveling possible for all of us.
I’ve officially changed my hair color from red to orange! I believe this year is the most significant for my hair. To have 2 colors in a year and I’m still able to keep it pretty healthy. It was made possible by Toni & Guy Bangsar! If you’re walking in the mall and I’m there, you wouldn’t miss me due to my hair color! LOL!

Red hair beginning of the year and Orange by end of the year
I could only thank one person for this. That is Justin Yap. He’s our local up and coming fashion designer. He even made my sister’s wedding gown last year. This year, he saved the best front row seat for me at Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week. Yea, it’s not Paris Fashion Week or NY Fashion Week but to be seated on the front row, it’s still a huge achievement for Diva In Me! Not just that, he even dressed me up in his collection. A girl can only dream and when the dream came true, I’m grateful and thankful.

Top – Justin Yap’s KLFW 2016 // Bottom – Dressed by Justin Yap and hair by William Wong (Toni & Guy Bangsar)
Looking back, I’m very blessed to be able to work with many established brands out there. Now that I’m listing it out, the list is kind of long – Dior (both fashion & makeup), Bobbi Brown, Jo Malone, La Mer, Cotton On, Toni & Guy Bangsar, Me Aesthetic Clinic, Sephora – IT Cosmetics, Yu Academie Salon, Shu Uemura, Melissa and a few more..
It looks like Diva In Me team is growing! We now have a Beauty Writer and her name is Sharon Elsie. Actually, she’s been with Diva In Me since 2015 but only in 2016, she has been actively contributing to the beauty blog posts. I just realize we didn’t have a picture together. That, I shall put in the 2017 goal – to have a picture with Sharon! =D
Last but not least, I love looking at all my travel pictures. Being affordable is one thing but most important is the good health that allows me to walk and discover the world which I’m thankful for. Places that I’ve created so much memories are – Switzerland (Zurich & St. Moritz), France (Nice and stayed at the beautiful Four Seasons Du-Cap Ferrat), Hong Kong (re-visit), Monaco, Netherlands (Amsterdam), Spain (Madrid), Italy (Florence re-visit & Bologna), England (London re-visit, Hampshire, Stonehenge, Bath & York), Scotland (Edinburgh) and Ireland (Dublin). Pretty extensive huh? Who’s complaining?! I’m not.
8. YOU
Yes, you, the one that’s been reading the whole post till this very sentence. I thank you for taking your time to read this post and sticking with Diva In Me through thick and thin. If you’ve been with Diva In Me since the start, I’m sure you can see how far we have come. But, if this is your first post, stick around and enjoy the ride from now on! We won’t disappoint.
What more could we asked for? There’s only one thing I would – to welcome 2017 with open arms and hoping that it’ll bring us to a greater height. Most importantly, with good health, Diva In Me will strive to be better. Wishing you a Happy Year 2017! Tell us, how has your 2016 been?