Pont Des Arts

Pont Des Arts

There are two very famous bridges filled with locks. One is Pont Des Arts and the other is Pont des L’Archevêché. I’ve heard so much about this two bridges but this is the very first visit for me. Apparently, one must be very careful which bridge to put the lock because Pont Des Arts is for committed love, while Pont des L’Archevêché is for your lover (information taken from Bonjour Paris).

We chose Pont Des Arts at first because there’s still room to place our holy-shit-it’s-an-expensive lock. It was fun throwing the key into the river. We will definitely look back to this day as a very good memory.

I’m trying to find a small spot for my lock. Gosh..can you see my challenge here?
*Phew* Finally found a spot. It’s so pack even some locks are on top of another lock!

I will feature my outfit post tomorrow. Thank you for reading my blog. Wishing you a great day =)